
Growing Pains is a collection of blogs writtern by Arkham Thoughts to help bring others to a higher self awarness when going through transition phases in life.


Tug of War Pt.1

Tug of War Pt.2



Know Your Worth Pt.1

Know Your Worth Pt.2

Sacrifices Pt.1

Sacrifices Pt.2

Be Skeptical, but Learn to Listen

Voice of the Dreamers Pt.1

Voice of the Dreamers Pt.2


Tug of War

Oct. 12th 2022

I think I’m in a phase of life where I’m aware of where I am, who I am, and what I want to become, but I’m struggling to be that because I am still battling my old self in my mind. It’s at a point where I know I’m happy, but I’m tempted to dabble in my old ways because that was my comfort zone for so long. That feeling though is only coming from a time period of limbo in which I correlate my old “happiness” I’m chasing to. The reality is, it’s not even happiness… It’s me attempting to be comfortable in the old ways that no longer serve any purpose to me. It’s a struggle becoming the man I want to be while also being conscious of the boy I once was...

Tug of War 2

Oct. 18th 2022

I have been stuck in a constant war with myself over my response to things. Early in my life, I saw how words could really affect someone deeper than the initial hurt you may or may not have meant it to. As I grew up I tried to find better ways to handle my response to things which at that time was controlled by my emotions at that moment. In those moments it was like giving a lighter to the gas with how I could easily ignite an argument with a simple response a little left of my usual. Maybe that right there is the real problem though…


Oct. 19th 2022

On the other side of fear is everything you need.

Sometimes we fear things because we feel we know how the outcome of those situations will make us feel. Think about it, we fear certain conversations because we’re scared of the response we may get from them. We fear phone calls to people we’ve been out of touch with. Life can be scary, but on the other side of that fear is the joy we all are looking for. Remember when we were kids and we were afraid of jumping in the pool, but soon after you finally jumped in and made it out safely you couldn’t think of doing anything else but jumping back in the pool? Why? Because that initial fear you felt of what would happen once you got in the water is now gone and you can live in the joy of that moment.


Oct. 21st 2022

How many near-death experiences does it take for you to be more cautious with the way you live life? For me, it’s about 1-2 in a short time period and I’m straightening up like a child that just got popped. When I made this change though it harmed me more than I thought it helped me. It made me too cautious to where I was scared to jump off the diving board, now I could barely put one foot in front of the other without the fear of falling down.

Know Your Worth

Oct. 24th 2022

What’s the price for a black man’s life? Who’s the accountant that tells you the value of my life? The news? Social Media? My bank account? How many degrees I may have? All of those things can tell you information about me, but none of those reveal my true value. At times I wish we had the scanner’s Vegeta had the first time he met Goku so people could see my worth more clearly…

Know Your Worth pt.2

Oct. 26th 2022

Not knowing your worth can leave you in some very uncomfortable situations. Think about how many artists we see get in these record 360 deals with their labels and it’s the same narrative every decade. The saddest part is when it’s very talented artists trapped in the rat race of trying to get their masters back that they probably signed over early in their career while still naive.TLC, Youngboy, even Kanye don’t own all of his masters all had to learn the lessons about understanding their worth.

Sacrifices Pt. 1

Nov. 7th 2022

Do you know the feeling of the look from your family when you tell them you’re no longer going to college and you are dropping out? That’s the direct imagery of disappointment. You can see the emotion all in their face even if they speak no words. That’s the same feeling I felt by going to college knowing that my family had so much faith in me graduating that I didn’t have for myself.

Sacrifices Pt. 2

Nov. 10th 2022

When I finished writing Season One of Arkham Thoughts I had no idea of what I wanted to do next. I had begun writing on this platform because I knew how much I had on my chest that I needed to release. I knew writing on the site weekly wasn’t something I wanted to do, my blog wasn’t the usual blog in my eyes, these things took more than a breaking story to spark the creation. I had to do what I did best when I was stuck in predicaments like this… wait and roam around until the answer reveals itself.

Be Skeptical, but Learn to Listen

Nov. 30th 2022

Over my life, my intuition has saved me from many situations. That same intuition is what has called me to push away certain information because of the person delivering it. Sometimes I’m over skeptical and miss out on good information based on the cover of the book. Those decisions did me harm in the long run though because it made me lose faith in things I was told and I only moved off what I perceived to be true, but what is the truth?…

Voice of the Dreamers

Dec. 21st 2022

I’m here to give a voice to all the dreamers. Your dreams don’t fade away until your desire for them does…

Voice of the Dreamers pt. 2

Dec. 23rd 2022

One thing in life that is constant is change. We change clothes, change emotions, and change in age daily. Many things come and go, but the things that really matter last forever.


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